About This Website

Change in 2016

In 2015 and before, this conference was entitled as ICA, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Nanoengineering, Biomedical Wellness, Systems Biology, Organized and Chaired by the Technical Award Committee Members led by Dr. Harold Szu since 1994

Since 2016 the Conference Title was Changed to: Sensing and Analysis Technologies for Biomedical and Cognitive Applications

Brief History of this conference and award

The first conference was called "Wavelet Applications," part of the SPIE OE/Aerospace Sensing Symposium held at Orlando in 1994. Now the conference is referred to as "Independent Component Analyses, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Neural Net, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering," part of the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, which will be held at Baltimore in 2012. The "compressive sampling" is a newly added topic for the 2012 conference. The mission of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary educational forum for the worldwide optical engineers to share their experience and to exchange their ideas. Thus, the best researchers are invited to speak in the conference and to contribute to the proceeding every year. To honor the outstanding researchers, a pioneer award plaque is presented to each winning speaker. Then the current recipients choose the winners for next year from their peer researchers, and so on so forth. This mechanism seems to be working very well so far, as long as the conference organizers stay out of the selection process. The conference topics are organized as the organic functionalities of a human system. Wavelets application to adaptive wavelets are like human ears and eyes; ICA to unsupervised learning resemble some learning functions of a brain; and nanoengineering and biomedical wellness to systems biology is somewhat like a human system. The new topics in compressive sampling may emulate brain-like storage (at hippocampus associative memory). All aforementioned topics are organically combined into our conference. On this website, we list all award recipients, and the links to their papers and websites.


We wish to acknowledge the contributions of all the former recipients of every categories. They have taken their precious research time, and resources in order to write the review papers and to come to our conferences. Their services are greatly appreciated by the conference organizers and the scientists of the greater interdisciplinary community over decades. Lastly, we wish to acknowledge the effort of web master Prof. Yufeng Zheng for his elegant design of the web site. Prof. Nian Zhang helped entering the content of the website. We are indebted to their generous time and energy. Obviously, more work are needed to complete all details. We would appreciate readers who can access the detail digital library and send us the original proceeding paper of the recipients.

Hyperlink to this website:  http://www.ica-wavelet.org/

We would like to thank you for your support.

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